Happy 3rd Birthday Lilly!!

I took the day off of work today and enjoyed spending every minute with Lilly on her 3rd birthday.  We played, worked outside (she was very “helpful”), went for the promised birthday ice cream, and had grilled pork chops for supper.  Here she is after supper making sure that we didn’t leave any pork chops behind!


All Grown Up!

For all of the mischief and energy during her first two years of life, Lilly has now grown into a beautiful, well-behaved adult dog.  Don’t get me wrong, she still jumps up on people when they come over to visit and she still loves ripping any piece of paper she finds into a million pieces (I hope that never changes!) but she now completely trusts us and has the desire to listen to us.   She has a great big heart and loves everyone.  We love her, too!  It is hard to believe she will be three years old in just a couple of weeks.  Lilly, her grandpa, and I will definitely be going out for ice cream to celebrate!

2014-06-13 16.04.28


Ruff Week

With her grandpa in the hospital for more than a week, Lilly tried to help in her own ways by…

2014-04-05 21.47.36Keeping his chair warm,

 cleaning up her mom’s mess when she accidentally spilled dog food (and chicken rice casserole) all over the freshly cleaned floor, and greeting her grandpa with one million “welcome home” kissies when he finally returned home!


Tastes like chicken!


Lilly was perfectly content with her feet tucked inside of her circular Nylabone -looks like she’s in handcuffs!

Just call me "Houdini".  I can get out whenever I want!

Just call me “Houdini”. I can get out whenever I want!

All Bundled Up!

It was 15 degrees below zero again this morning.  Lilly actually stood at the door looking at me (like I was crazy) when I called her to come outside with me this morning.  You know it’s cold when that happens!  She is usually the first one to tear out the door.  She didn’t even want me to take her sweater off when we came in – she just snuggled up on the couch in a nice warm fleece blanket and fell sound asleep.

Being out in the cold really tires a girl out!

Being out in the cold really tires a girl out!

2013 – A Great Year with Lilly

Lilly provided us with many wonderful (and funny) memories in 2013.  We are looking forward to another great year with her in 2014!  Here are a few of my favorite pictures from this year:


The whole year in review?? I’m tired just thinking about it!

Spring Picnic

Sleepy Girl!

Sleepy Girl!

Hungry little girl

Hungry little girl

Lilly's BAD Boo-Boo (which is now completely healed!)

Lilly’s BAD Boo-Boo (which is now completely healed!)

Merry Christmas and...

Merry Christmas and..


Happy New Year!!

Lilly Loves our Tree Skirt

We set up our Christmas tree this past weekend.  Lilly made herself comfortable under the tree almost immediately.  She especially likes our nice soft tree skirt with fun little pom poms all the way around the edge.

This will be my new favorite spot!

This will be my new favorite spot!

I couldn’t resist!

As I’ve said in previous blogs, Lilly loves to help me as I am taking pictures of items to sell online.

She just couldn’t resist laying right on top of this nice warm coat (and she does make it look a whole lot better, too!).

Hi, Mom!

Hi, Mom!


One Very Good Little Patient

Lilly has had a bump on her head for about three weeks now.  We do not know the cause.  Because it hasn’t gone away, we took a trip to the vet yesterday.

We're going where???

We’re going where???

Lilly’s doctor shaved a small circle around the bump and cleaned it all up.  Lilly never made a peep – she was such a good little patient.  She stood so still and just watched them as they worked around her.

No sweat - I'm a big girl now!

No sweat – I’m a big girl now!

She is now on an antibiotic, pain medicine, and topical antibiotic.  She’s taking her medicine very well (with the help of Pill Pockets!).  We’re hoping everything clears up within the next 10 days.  If not, she’ll have to go in for more tests.  The very good news is that she’s playing, eating, and running around the house as usual.

(Don't tell anybody, but I was a little scared.)

(Don’t tell anybody, but I was a little scared.)




Left Foot Green, Right Hand Yellow

Lilly decided to help me (once again) as I took pictures of  things I’m selling online.             What a great and cute little helper!


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