Bye Bye Bandana

Shortly after her haircut, Lilly had an adorable fight with her new bandana.  Guess who won?

House Cleaning

We finally had a chance today to get at cleaning our very messy home!  We’ll see how long it takes little Lilly to spread her toys all around the house again!  (This picture was not arranged – Lilly really did put all of these toys and socks in the hallway all by herself!)

Great Little Companion

Lilly is so happy her grandpa is home from the hospital.  She has been following him around all day.

Some stones are fun…some are not!

Lilly had a lot more fun with her stone from the backyard than her grandpa had with his gallstone.  We’re thankful he had successful surgery today and might even come home tomorrow.  Lilly is ready and waiting to play!!



















Get Well Soon Grandpa!

Lilly’s grandpa had to go to the hospital early this morning.  We sure miss having him at home!    We’re praying he gets well and is back home again soon!  All of Lilly’s toys are just waiting to be played with.


A Day at the Spa – Part II

Lilly felt so much better after getting her hair cut!  Here’s her “after” picture:









Laura, her groomer and I enjoyed watching the show Lilly put on right after she brought her back into the house.  First Lilly grabbed one of Laura’s business cards and ran off with it (I found it and took a picture of it later).

And then she found a paper towel to shred.

One never knows what little Lilly will do next!!

A Day at the Spa for Lilly – Part 1

Lilly loves her groomer, Laura.  She brings her grooming bus right to our home.  Here are a couple of before pictures – notice how long Lilly’s eyelashes grow – it is amazing!





















Stay tuned for more details and “after” pictures from Lilly’s day at the spa with Laura…