Our Daily Game of Chase

Lilly loves finding new small things to put in her mouth – everything from leaves to pistachio shells, from my glasses (a big no-no!) to caps from my water and juice bottles.  It is part of the daily routine in our home to  see me chasing Lilly  to remove whatever it is that she has in her mouth.  The great thing is, once you catch her  (which is the part she enjoys the most!), she will let you take the object right out of her mouth.  She never growls or tries to nip.  Once I have removed the object from her mouth, she darts as fast as she can up to the arm of the couch and watches me as I throw the item in the garbage.  I can almost hear her saying, “Mom, you’re such a party pooper!  I was just having a little fun!”

Let’s Play!

“You can try to catch me, but I’m pretty fast!”